Roger Allam

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Mr. Holmes

In 1947, long-retired and near the end of his life, Sherlock Holmes grapples with an unreliable memory and must rely on his housekeeper’s ...
The Woman in Black

The Woman in Black

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The Woman in Black

The story follows a young lawyer, Arthur Kipps, who is ordered to travel to a remote village and sort out a recently deceased client’s papers. As ...


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In 1988, American video game salesman Henk Rogers discovers the video game Tetris. When he sets out to bring the game to the world, he enters a ...
The Lady in the Van

The Lady in the Van

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Дамата, която живее в своя ван

В края на 60-те години писателят Алън Бенет тъкмо се е преместил в зеления квартал Глостър на лондонския район Камдън. Съвсем скоро той се ...
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The Truth Commissioner

The Truth Commissioner

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The Truth Commissioner

Set in a post-Troubles Northern Ireland, The Truth Commissioner follows the fictional story of Henry Stanfield, played by Roger Allam, a career ...
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A Royal Night Out

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